wow! i have a spare minute in my more hectic than usual life. No matter how much i try time just zips by. So where have i been and what have i been doing? hmmmm in a nutshell , Work. Started at my new school some three weeks ago. Anyone who says teachers have it too easy doesnt know jack shit. Anyway i absolutely love my new class and feel guilty about leaving behind my old guys. I find comfort in the fact that i left them in the very best of hands with L. Now i spend my days convincing teenage boys that they are in fact fabulous and not useless, trouble making, outcasts. I love them dearly and it breaks my heart that our boys can get to this place of pure self loathing. I think i planted the seed at this early stage and hope and pray it begins to grow. On another note i signed up for boys tennis and had a ball. I got extremely burned but still know how to hit a ball. Shame i can't cover the court as quick as i used to ...........................