I have to say getting used to nooooooooo shops is testing me. I never considered myself to be a materialistic person but i am beginning to rethink my materialistic tendencies. I am in desperate need of a futon and so perused the locally delivered Fantastic furniture catalogue thinking 'too easy'. So i think the nearest store is approx 2 hours away; and i thought moving to the country would save me petrol. Ha!!! The fact that i get heart palpitations when i walk past Go Lo tells me i am suffering severe withdrawals.
I returned to my new home on the prairie ( as spoken by my scandenavian hubby) hopping for some r& r and a little quiet time. Well less than 24 hours later my youngest Little Miss M calls me in a sea of tears begging to come home. Apparently life without mum was just too much to bear. Hmmm................ So the Viking and i travel another 5 hours to retrieve her only to wait 90 minutes in a carpark at McDonalds while Little Miss M and father navigate the Blue Mountains. Oh the joys of being a mother, ................................................little wonder many animals eat their young.
Love Cindy
I am proud, VERY proud. Are you hooked yet??
Oh my god, what will you do without shops. Maybe you now have a more concrete example of why Ebay is so successful!! Get onto Ebay girl, although the futon may present issues.
Little house on the prarie - LOL!!! Trust him. What a crack up.
Sorry about the guinea pig, at least it wasnt a dingo that got him i suppose.
No air conditioning!!!!!????? Get that sorted pronto, dont worry about how far you have to drive to get it either. Sheesh, talk about necessities of life!
Chat soon sister
Lotsa luv
NO AIR CON!!!!!! You don't want to end up as french fries, or scandinavian fried whatevers.....I'm am melting just thinking of you....
You've got a handle on the blog thing already..well done, and welcome! ;0)
Hey, I'm Cyndy too, and we even have the same template..cool, hey!
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