Wow!!! How hot is it? I cannot for the life of me figure out how anyone can find this heat appealing. My husband who spent 35 years of his life in the ice, absolutely loves the great Aussie sun. He doesn't understand why i complain and i am beginning to think he is not actually of this world. Anyway speaking of heat, i did get a new air conditioner YAY and a bright red futon. What more can a girl ask for? hhhhmmmmmmmmm..............................................
A red futon??? Kewl.... An Air Conditioner.... even Kewler!!!
Want me to send you down some Mulla Mulla???
Luv Me
hello, im lisa from raihndrops..welcome to blogsville........its quiet at the moment but persist becuase its a great network of friends......
Did you ring and blast that Real Estate agent yet????
BJ still saying we are coming... all is not lost. 12 more sleeps.
Luv Me
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